July 31, 2011

31st July 2011

Last day of July....cooking up a lovely malay curry, doctoring a cook in sauce sachet, not too gourmet tonight!! Listening to Yann Tiersen, think Amelie, think baguettes, think black and white stripey tops, redlips,and then eat a Cape curry, not quite the right scene setter...I love being at home, maybe its just the winter hibernation taking hold of me, looking forward to picnics,public pools and camping with my fella and all the kids, not one for camping in sub zero temperatures!!  Oooh Paris going to make crunchies...Yay!! 

Just in case I don't have enough images of cops...

Bheki Cele advises cops to be quick on the draw

National police commissioner General Bheki Cele, addressing mourners at the funeral of two flying squad members who were killed last weekend, urged officers to use their guns to protect themselves against violent criminals.
"When you see a criminal pointing a firearm at you, do not smile as the gun he is holding is not a camera, shoot first to protect yourself," Cele told a packed hall at the Vosloorus Civic Centre, east of Johannesburg.
Cele was speaking during the joint funeral service of warrant officers Lefu Mokoena, 45, and Bhekuyise Mahlalela, 47.
The two died after being shot when they stopped to assist the occupants of a broken-down vehicle in Katlehong, on the East Rand.
Cele said police officers should not die while holding their firearms.
"SAPS is not a burial society that buries police every weekend, we need to stand up and fight these criminals and we shall win," he said.

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